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Female eyebrow transplant

Female eyebrow transplant


When we talk about hair grafting, we usually think of the head, but this surgical procedure is applied to other parts of the body such as the mustache, beard or eyebrows. It is also more difficult to think that alopecia affects this part of the face, but the reality is that the problem of depopulated eyebrows is more common than we think in both women and men.

The eyebrows play a fundamental role in the appearance and physiognomy of a person, it is an element that accompanies the look and marks the facial expression. This is the reason why makeup and eyebrow waxing has become a highly demanded aesthetic treatment. Eyebrow transplantation is the most effective procedure, both natural and permanent, to solve the problem of lack of hair. on the eyebrows.

However, the areas of alopecia in the eyebrows or the total absence of hair in those same anatomical locations also change our appearance, generating complexes in some people due to this unwanted image. Over the years, treatments have appeared that partially or even palliative have tried to solve this problem, but it is the eyebrow transplant that emerges as the most effective and permanent procedure.

Why does the hair fall from the eyebrows?

The so-called alopecia of the eyebrow or bald eyebrow is a more common problem than it is believed. We can lose our hair for different reasons, sometimes naturally and others due to our own circumstances or those outside the patient, which we detail below.

Repetitive hair removal

Eyebrows have been a part of makeup trends for many years and have been through many fashions ranging from fine brows to full removal. Frequent waxing weakens the hair follicle and degenerates it until it atrophies, causing alopecia in this area.

Emotional disturbances

Stress is a trigger that can lead to self-inflicted injuries. Trichotillomania is a psychiatric disorder characterized by compulsive behavior that prompts the patient to pull hair from the eyebrows, eyelashes, or hair during times of emotional stress. Being an extreme case of hair removal, it also constitutes irreversible damage to the follicles.

Hormonal problems

Hormonal changes such as menopausal processes and endocrine disorders can affect normal hair growth. The consumption of medications such as anticoagulants or treatments to overcome oncological processes such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy can also influence.

Trauma scars

Traumatic injuries resulting from accidents, contusions, cuts or burns leave scars that affect the natural process of hair growth. What is an eyebrow transplant?

New aesthetic trends point to bushy, thick eyebrows that help shape our facial features. The eyebrow implant is presented as the definitive solution to repopulate the hair in this area of ​​the face.

Before proceeding, the physician must design the shape and thickness of each eyebrow to maintain symmetry and correlation with the patient's face. This step is a real artistic challenge to achieve a design that is as natural as possible and according to its physiognomy.

The procedure consists of extracting hair follicles with characteristics similar to those of the eyebrows in the occipital or temporal area. For this, about 150 and 400 follicular units will be needed for each eyebrow, depending on each case.

The insertion of the hair in the face must be practiced respecting the direction and curvature of the pre-existing hairs to be able to maintain the harmony as a whole in the most natural way possible. The intervention usually lasts around four hours and the patient can go home and at the end of the intervention lead a completely normal life.

The grafted follicles will fall off in three or four weeks and it will be from the third month when the new follicles that will give shape to the eyebrow will begin to grow.

The hair implant in women is a delicate subject, and we are aware that hair is the jewel in the crown, the attribute in which more time and money are invested, and it can be extremely distressing when it begins to lose weight or fall out. Hair loss in women or known as female alopecia , can be due to different causes, from postpartum hormones to a stressful lifestyle, a disease and its respective treatment or the recent fashion of hair extensions. The consequences can be exhausting both mentally and physically due to the loss of security and, in many cases, female alopecia can lead to depression. Don't worry: you are not alone, there is a solution for female alopecia, Don't worry there is a solution for that we can help you recover your hair and your safety using the most avant-garde techniques to obtain natural-looking results with a minimum recovery period through hair implants for women .

Until recently, men and women with little eyebrow hair used some rudimentary tricks. Firm pulse and eyeliner were the most used instruments if you did not want to resort to micropigmentation or tattooing that generated unnatural and aesthetic results. eyebrow implant for several years to partially or totally repopulate with a natural and rejuvenating result.

The eyebrows are not so linked to the dictates of fashion since they are key to frame the look and rejuvenate the face as well as the restoration of the first line of hair that represents the frame of the face, therefore it is essential that the technique that is used can achieve a result that is natural and undetectable, through the exclusive Vitruvian design that interprets the natural characteristics of the face allows for the restoration of the eyebrows a design adapted to each patient with a totally natural result and without leave no scar.

Generally, the depopulation of the eyebrows is related to constant and repeated waxing over the years that lead to areas of the eyebrows where the hair does not grow back. Age is also a determining factor that contributes to the progressively losing eyebrows; A fact that also occurs in the case of alopecia areata triggered by stressful situations and hormonal disorders such as menopause, are other reasons why patients go to a consultation to find out about eyebrow transplants.


The donor hair is obtained from the lowest part of the neck because it has characteristics of thickness, similar to that of the eyebrows (the hair in this area is fine like that of the eyebrows). In the eyebrows it is convenient to transplant follicular units of a single hair. In this intervention, it is essential to respect the natural angulation of growth of each eyebrow hair, since there are variants within it according to the physiognomy of each person. Only in this way, and with a delicate incision smaller than 7 microns in diameter, is it possible to guarantee a natural and undetectable result.

The previous design of the eyebrow also plays a fundamental role since it is in accordance with the appearance of the patient's face, it is essential to achieve the best results by doing a true lifting of the look.

The approximate number of follicular units that are transplanted in each eyebrow, ranges between 200 and 500, in the case of men it usually requires a greater quantity than in women, but these quantities are usually enough to repopulate them.

The results are permanent; The transplanted hair resists, if necessary, even waxing. Its growth rate will be completely natural, just like the rest of the hair.

The restoration of the eyebrow has an aesthetic purpose that seeks to lift the eye and open the gaze in a natural way, thus rejuvenating the entire face.

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