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Natural oils to help improve your hair quality

Natural oils to help improve your hair quality


Having long strong hair is a dream of many. 

The problem occurs when the hair does not grow enough or it becomes fine, brittle and lifeless. We must avoid factors that damages our hair. Among the most popular we could mention:

  • Wrong diet
  • Stress
  • Poor blood supply 
  • Lack of oxygenation

If you've lost your money on expensive commercial treatments and haven't seen results, we have good news for you, there is a natural way to improve the hair quality with the application of oils.

Oils that promote abundant hair

Some natural oils have wonderful properties that can do perfect results for your hair such as,

Castor oil, Castor oil is often used as a natural laxative (although always under medical supervision). All of them could be a great treatment to hair loss. This oil contains ricinoleic acid and omega 9 fatty acids that help with treatment as the following: 

  • Ricinoleic acid control the hair growth many specialists that protects the scalp from any infections.
  • And for omega 9 fatty acids, gives moisturizing capacity, hydrate and nourish the hair, gives thickness, strength and smoothness.

Coconut oil,  One of the most used oils for hair is coconut oil. Its properties have been known since ancient times, when it was used to clean, protect and nourish hair. Its chemical complex which is considered as a nutrition to the hair plus the hairy cell membrane. Coconut oil avoid protein loss and renew the natural oils that are lost due to daily exposure and the many washing.

Lavender oil, Lavender oil is well known for its aroma, which is used to treat stress, anxiety and insomnia, as this research from the Western University of Health Sciences of California assures. Over more,  alopecia areata needs a powerful treatment this oil could give. The properties of lavender oil aid considerable hair growth when used on a regular basis. This is stated in this study carried out by Changwon Moonsung University.

Likewise, this oil is a powerful antiseptic. Its cleaning process are perfect  treatment to scalp and to kill fungi and viruses.

Olive oil

Olive oil is another treasure that brings many benefits when used on hair, according to this study carried out by the Fluminense Federal University (Brazil). Likewise, as it is an oil loaded with antioxidants, it promotes normal hair growth, frees the skin from free radicals and provides nutrients to the hair follicles and the scalp.

Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil is good affecting for the hair growth because of its properties. It helps to dilate the blood vessels (according to this study carried out by the University Medical Center Maribo) and stimulates cell division, which activates the hair follicles so that new hair is born.

Its antiseptic properties kills  bacteria and all other organisms that could affect either hair or scalp. Additionally, this oil is also said to inhibit hair loss and the appearance of gray hair, help eradicate dandruff, and hydrate dry, flaky scalp.

The right Usage of these oils in order to benefit of all their properties :

10 minutes massage for scalp with oil is one of the most practical ways of the usage.

After the indicated time, wash as usual.

For a more intensive treatment we will combine several oils and proceed in the same way.

Remember that, if you are constant, you will obtain magnificent results: an abundant hair.

Almonds oil

Almond oil is considered as a great protection to hair.

Although it is not known for its properties to grow hair, it does protect and stimulate the growth of hair follicles, making them stronger and less susceptible to breakage. This is explained by this study carried out by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Almond oil massage to the hair removes the dead cells and protect the scalp.

Also, almond oil is very effective in treating seborrheic dermatitis, according to this study conducted by the Salisbury General Hospital (UK). However, people who are allergic to nuts should be careful with their use, in case an allergic reaction occurs on the skin.

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