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Why Hairs Fall Down?

Why Hairs Fall Down?


Why hair falls down? It's happening to you lately and you're starting to worry. You get out of the shower and it seems that you have bathed with a poodle, when you pass the brush you leave so much hair behind you that you think that perhaps a part of your head, at this point, is completely bald. You can always blame the fall. Actually, you don't have to worry too much, because we all lose hair from time to time, but when does hair loss stop being normal?

"THE average lose 50 to 100 hairs a day" according to a study was made in USA 

Don't assume that you are the only person who is going through something like this, in fact hair loss is extremely common in women, more and more. Even so, it is quite true that it can affect people emotionally according to a study carried out in 2015, which concluded that, being so closely identified with femininity, it could affect self-esteem (especially of women, of course), depress and hinder social relationships. The fundamental thing is that if you have a problem, you know how to stop it and discover what is the cause of your hair loss.

Thyroid problems

They are common in women, especially those over 50 years old. 1 in 8 will make a disorder of its infract the neck base and is responsible for producing thyroid hormone throughout their lives. This, in turn, is responsible for everything from basal metabolic rate to growth of skin, nails and, bingo, hair.

When the body does not have the correct amount (either from hypo or hyperthyroidism), certain changes can be noticed. The positive point is that with a blood test you can measure if something is not going as it should, and your GP should then prescribe a medication to restore the levels to normal.

Iron deficiency anemia

Lack of iron might seem like an unusual reason for hair loss, but the truth is that it can happen, especially to women. periods or food doesn’t include Iron Anemia, and the effects are too many and effective:  difficulty focus, headaches, cold hands and feet extreme tiredness , sickness, damaged skin.

 hair loss. Fortunately, a blood test to measure ferritin (a protein that stores iron in the body) can also be done to diagnose anemia. Following a good treatment would be by eating :

beef, pork, fish, cereals and foods contains vitamin C.

Psoriasis or dandruff

If your scalp is not at its best, it could also have a lot to do with finding so many hairs on your brush. skin conditions and Inflammation lead to hair loss. If you notice red spots or yellowish and white scales on your skin, an exam of your scalp will help you determine what you have, sometimes even a biopsy or culture can help. And if you have inflammation or itching, consult your dermatologist to make sure it is not a more serious skin condition. Every condition requires something different, from dandruff shampoo to psoriasis light therapy.

In these cases, a rheumatologist must examine your joints for signs of inflammation. A blood test may also help. The rash on the scalp can likely be treated with a topical cream.


Studies have shown that excessively rapid or significant thinning can trigger hair loss because you deprive your body of certain nutrients, including protein. If you are not trying to lose weight and your pants still fall off, it is recommended that you do a blood test to see what is behind it all.

If, on the other hand, you are trying to lose weight, it is best to talk to a specialist about the vitamin deficiency that could be behind your loss. Whatever the reason, there is a chance to tackle the problem and get it to grow again.

Excessive care

Sometimes your hair fights against too many enemies: blow dryers, straighteners, excessive washing ... This can damage it and lead to breakage and hair loss. The test to discover if that is the problem is simple, if you have broken the tips (small bulbs at the ends) it could mean that you are overdoing yourself. The solution is simple, avoid the use of devices that overheat the hair, minimize their use and if you use gels or sprays, do not wait for your hair to dry, as it will harden and is more likely to break, as can other causes. From genetic factors to menopause or polycystic ovary syndrome, depending on your condition, it is best to check if you really lose a large amount of hair and consult your family doctor. As you have seen, whatever the reason, there are ways to combat it to be able to show off the hair you once had.

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